All About Press Reporting

Posted On By Jason Wood

Press reporting is a field of multimedia art and it involves reporting about current events as well as any other aspect that have direct bearing on the functioning of the press, such as politics, business and sports. Although these media are more popular than ever, many people are unaware of their existence and thus end up in awkward situations because they fail to understand the difference between news reporting and press reporting. This article seeks to make this clear so that readers can appreciate the different goals of the two mediums. After reading this, you should be able to appreciate the value of press reporting.

Press Reporting is a comprehensive term, which means that it involves not just writing about the news but also making an attempt at providing a public service. The press and the reporting media refer to distinct entities that make their presence felt on various platforms and in various fields. These platforms include television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. The specific medium chosen will depend on the audience response, audience perspective and the nature of the story. For instance, a story that is broadcast on TV is not a press report and therefore falls under the category of news reporting.

The reporters of the various media work in tandem with their respective editors, correspondents, web producers. It is the job of the reporters to look for and record stories and then relay them to their editors or publishers. This work is supervised by someone on the reporting end who ensures that the story is well-written and presented. A reporter must keep abreast of the latest developments and be in touch with all the angles of the story so that he/she can make the most out of the story and come out with high quality reports.

However, the press and the news media are not the same thing. While the media report on current affairs, the news media concentrates more on covering breaking news. The news is much more informative in nature and can sometimes be more dramatic than the press, since it takes into account other sources of information besides just the local news. Many people are turned off by the news, especially the international news, and prefer to get their facts from the media instead.

Reporting jobs also require reporters to be extremely skilled in writing. They must be able to create an engaging storyline and must be able to keep their audiences entertained. Reporters must be quick thinkers and versatile since they have to re-create the scenario and give the new material a soundbite that can attract a large audience.

Many people are turned off by the news, especially the international news, and prefer to get their facts from the media instead

In today’s fast-paced environment, technology plays a huge part in helping reporters deliver fast action pieces. Modern technology has allowed videographers to capture live video of events for reporters to report. Video can also be added to news broadcasts making for real time reporting that is more engaging and comprehensive than written text. Video has even revolutionized how reporters get the news out. Online video is often published before, during, and after news events giving viewers an up close and personal view of what exactly is happening.